Go Big or Go B!
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Last Hitting: Practice makes Perfect!

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1Last Hitting: Practice makes Perfect! Empty Last Hitting: Practice makes Perfect! Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:41 am

Last Planet

Last Planet

Hey everybody,

Decided to let you guys know something I've been doing that I'm sure some of you are already aware of: Last Hitting. This is the art of getting that final blow in on a minion and receiving the gold the minions grants. Missing a few doesn't seem like a big deal but it adds up over the game. League is about getting as much gold as you can so you can stomp on the enemy team.

Many pros may get some crazy numbers by 10 minutes into the game like 100. But I think a healthy number to aim for would be at least 65. That's what I tell myself anyway because I'm bad at last-hitting.

Here's how I go about learning this process:
1) Choose a low base AD champion like Fiddlesticks or Karthus.
2) Run to the lane you want to practice in a custom match (a partner may be better).
3) Practice getting those last hits with only melee attacks (because you may be OOM or need to rely on autoattacks only).
4) Wait to 10 minutes and record your score.
5) Practice it every night before bed (you practice it while you sleep!)

Some fun things you can do:
1) Have no masteries.
2) Have no runes.
3) Do not use any spells.

Hope this helps some of you guys who are still learning the game.

GL and HF!

Last Planet


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