Go Big or Go B!
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Go Big or Go B!

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This Month, join Stare and his weekly lesson on Twitch.tv! (12/1/2013)

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Last Planet

Last Planet

I hope everybody had a good holiday! It's time to get back into the swing of things and start providing you guys with some updates. Smile

After speaking with Stare, he told me he is planning a lesson while he is on Winter Break. The post on his facebook is here:

He will be going over all of the roles and also talk about some of the new changes that have come during the preseason. Be sure to stay tuned. Smile

His Twitch.tv link is here:

He plans on being active from 12/13/13 to 1/03/14. Smile

Hope you guys are doing well!

Last Planet

Made a mistake on the dates. THANKS STARE!

Last edited by Last Planet on Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:21 am; edited 1 time in total



Start Date: 12-15-13
End Date: 01-03-14
Off Days: Christmas, probably? Depends on when my parents come up.

All VoDs will be posted here after each day and hopefully a summary of matches for that day as well.

My current MMR is Platinum, so everything I say may or may not be completely true and are of my opinion.


VoD: twitch.tv/slitcx/b/487993758

1st game: Kayle vs Yasuo (Mid) - 09:30 - WIN
2nd game: Taric (Support) - 55:30 - WIN
3rd game: Leblanc vs Kassadin (Mid) - 01:32:35 - LOSE
4th game: Orianna vs Ziggs - 02:15:50 - LOSE
5th game: Lux vs Viktor - 03:06:25 - WIN
6th game: Vi (Jungle) - 03:49:00 - WIN

Overall: 4-2

Game 1: The Yasuo didn't play well, so Kayle kind of beat him up.
Game 2: Support games are generally... not memorable.
Game 3: I did really well against Kassadin, but we did not focus on objectives mid and late game, so we lost because we were caught out split-pushing.
Game 4: On Orianna, I missed crucial ultimates and shields causing my team to lose teamfights.
Game 5: Lux vs Viktor seemed to be really hard for me. It's probably because I did not go as aggressive as I wanted to and played a bit safer. But in the end, I went like 11-0-10, which was pretty cool.
Game 6: On Vi, it's really easy to get first blood, but I got really cocky and stopped farming while trying to look for more ganks which made their jungler farm up more on experience and gold than I did. In the end, luckily, our Nasus was very strong and killed everyone.

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