Go Big or Go B!
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Go Big or Go B!

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Preparations for S4! (11/14/2013)

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1Preparations for S4! (11/14/2013) Empty Preparations for S4! (11/14/2013) Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:51 am

Last Planet

Last Planet

Hey everybody,

Just wanted to give you some current thoughts on the group. It has been really fun getting to know everybody and seeing where people are at with the game right now. I also enjoy learning about what you guys do with your lives and realize the support group has a lot of potential as a positive community in League of Legends.

So a few things I want to encourage everybody to do:
1) Try talking with some of the folks on the list.
2) Play some games with each other.
3) If you have friends interested, tell them about us!

I want this network of enjoyable company to be shared and expanded to others. In this way, we can improve League of Legends and our own experiences within it. I do Tribunal often and browse the Player Behavior forums everyday, so it is very encouraging when I get a chance to talk to you guys.

As an added bonus, we can all hang out in the League of Legends channel, "Go Big or Go B". Click on the gear on the upper right hand corner of the chat room window and select "Auto-join on start up". You will automatically join that channel everytime you log in! This way we can facilitate interaction more easily with each other.

Hope all is going well for you guys,
Last Planet


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