Go Big or Go B!
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Go Big or Go B!

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RaidCall Group Discussion! Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013! 6:30PM PST!

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Last Planet

Last Planet

Hello all!

I was thinking that next week on Tuesday would be a good day to have kind of a preseason discussion about the current changes to the game. I'm hoping more than just the regulars can attend but if not I'll record it and upload the conversation.

The time and date I figured may be problematic for some. I figured it'd accommodate some east coasters. Tuesday is also the least stressful day usually for me. :)Discussion should run from 30 minutes to an hour.

Preseason Changes

6:30 -7:30PM PST

Go Big or Go B!
ID: 7372112

Many of you haven't downloaded or used Raidcall yet, so if you want I can help you through it some time this week. Better to get used to it sooner than later. Smile

As stated before, I will record and upload the discussion. :)If you have any suggestions for topics please let me know!


Last Planet

Post Discussion

Alright so the first discussion actually was very active! Thank you for everybody who showed up. :)I have provided a link to anybody who is interested in listening to it:

For further updates, Beretta suggested that we have a forum. After gaging the league channel and trying to see where people were at throughout the month I think that a forum would be perfect for this group. :)So I'm starting one up and will eventually provide a link to it when it's all set up. Just need some input/modification from ExjK.

Anyway, take care all and hope the rest of the week is going well. Very Happy

Last Planet


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