Go Big or Go B!
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S4 Support Group Update!

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1S4 Support Group Update! Empty S4 Support Group Update! Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:56 am

Last Planet

Last Planet

Greetings all!

Season 4 is upon us! As such I wanted to re-update everybody on what we're going to be offering for you guys and hope that we all have a great season!

But first I wanted to introduce you guys to a few new players in the support group:

No Worries Mate

These guys have played for a while and are willing to help as well as want some help. Smile

So just as a reminder, these are the resources we'll have available to you:

An official forum for the support group:

A Tumblr if you'd prefer to check updates there:


Match Evaluations:
EXAMPLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Z1a_Dsy-o&list=UU1PnOFWhQD_TO4SfXP8pdYg&feature=c4-overview

(These will be primarily a responsibility for ExjK and myself, but I encourage you guys to help each other out as well!)

Raidcall Group:
Go Big or Go B!
ID 7372112

Mailing List for Useful articles and Videos
EXAMPLE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvWZ3eDDyzg_cx1zitIKWl9rtAcxgw3mK

Occasional Scheduled Discussions

EXAMPLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drTEhFtwdec

I wanted to do a weekly thing but I felt with the level of time some other things take in my life I'll just try to hold these when I can. Smile
And if you have anything you want to talk about, discuss, or learn about please feel free to contact me! I'll try my best to assist you or at least find the answer you need.

My main intention for this group is to create a network of positive players. The community has a lot of negativity but truthfully I've met a lot of good people since starting this group. This is my effort in showing people that there's good folk in this community. You aren't obligated to do anything and your goals are your own. But at the very least if you run into a bad game or want to quit, we'll be around to see what we can do!

I've also updated the contact list and attached it to this e-mail. Smile If you know anybody who would like to join, send them my way or to this thread:

See you on the rift!
Last Planet


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